Ok...I've been tagged by my good friend Diane at
http://thedianediaries.blogspot.com/. She has a awesome blog that I visit often. If you're a blogger, you know that other bloggers often tag you and give you awards. This tag is for a YOU MAKE ME SMILE AWARD. Now, I have to tell you seven things about myself and and then tag a few other bloggers with the award. (I don't know how to tag others...but I would if I could).
Seven things about myself:
1. I love cross-stitch, stamping and scrapbooking ~ just don't have time to do it.
2. I grew up in farm country and it helped me to become the person that I am. You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl.
3. My favorite color is purple.
4. Before I die I want to go to: Ireland, Germany and England
5. I am going back to school and I love to learn (just wish I didn't have to work so much now).
6. I love watching women's soccer.
7. I am a secret lover of ladybugs, bees and elephants.